Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Confirmation 2012

confirmationCongratulations to our eleven 8th graders who were confirmed last Sunday, April 22nd! These students have been working towards this momentous occasion for two years and they all did a wonderful job sharing their statements of faith with the congregation. I'm sure I am not the only one who was touched and inspired by these students sharing how God has been working in their lives.

I also want to say a special "Thank You" to Peter and Robin Aranda for helping prepare these students for this momentous occasion. Peter and Robin have been diligently serving this particular group of students for four years now. They began with this class back in Project 315 and have continued on with them until they were all confirmed last Sunday. They have been such an amazing model of commitment and dedication to the youth of our church.
These students absolutely love Peter and Robin and have come to look up to them as spiritual mentors in their lives. I have had the pleasure of watching them interact with the students as they teach them, encourage them and just simply have fun with them. They have been such a blessing to these students and God has certainly used them to encourage and develop these students over the past few years. Thanks Peter and Robin!