Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mexico Recap!

As some of you may know, we just got back a few weeks ago from a life-changing mission trip to Mexico! We spend a week in El Porvenir, which is a small town outside of Ensenada where we played a lot of soccer, served warm meals to families, led a VBS for children and saw God work in amazing ways both in and through our team.

One of our mantras during out week in Mexico was "I am 3rd!" This meant that we were intentionally putting God first, others second and then our own needs after that. It is amazing how often we think about our own needs and wants before things God might have for us to do or what needs others may have around us. This mantra also became a fun way to recognize others on our team when we saw them intentionally put the needs of others before their own. When a student would give up the front seat in the car for an adult leader or let a team member go in front of them in the food line, we would say something like, "Way to go, Micah, you are 3rd!"

DSC06365This little mantra has stuck with me even after we have returned from our trip. I have caught myself many times wanting to put myself and my needs first and then I suddenly remember, "I am 3rd!" The best part about this little saying is that it isn't only applicable on a mission trip, it is something that I can always be better about remembering in every day life.
I can let someone go ahead of me in the grocery store line or offer my coveted window seat to someone at the local Starbucks. These may seem like small ways to bless others, but the important part is not what is being done but my attitude in remembering that I am 3rd, that the needs of others should always be on my radar and not just when I'm in a foreign country.

DSC06487 Some of the coolest memories I have from this trip come from our nightly meetings when we would conclude our devotional time by nominating people for the "3rd Place Award." We'd spend sometime nominating those on our team who we had seen put themselves in 3rd place throughout the day and share how we saw them do this. It was such a cool time to build each other up and encourage the selflessness we saw in each other. It made me think how often I see someone do something selfless but never stop to say thank you. Wouldn't it be a cool tradition for a family at the end of the day or at the dinner table to take a few minutes to nominate family members for the 3rd place award? Not only are we encouraging selflessness but also building each other up at the same time!