Our High School Group just got back from a great week up at
Hume Lake Christian Camps! We
took 21 campers and 3 counselors up for a fun filled week of
recreation, swimming, volleyball, zip lining, paint balling, ropes
coursing and having a blast together. And in the midst of all of that,
we also somehow fit in uplifting times of worship, great seminars.
inspiring chapel messages and some awesome cabin talks as well. It was a
great week, and I think we all learned a lot. In case you missed it at
church on Sunday, or want to see it again, you can view our recap video
by clicking
The theme for the week was The Phantastical Journey of the
Wandering Lights and it told the story of the Israelites wandering
through the dessert and into the promised land. The story revolved
around the theme of God's sufficiency. That idea is easy to say you
believe, but can be a constant challenge to put into action. Even when
God's sufficiency has been magnificently displayed, we still tend to
reject or forget it. At Hume we saw this struggle in the story of the
Israelites as they literally followed the visible presence of God out of
Egypt, yet still rejected, replaced, and simply forgot His provision
and guidance. I think we were all challenged by this story and the
teachings to constantly trust that in Christ we truly can find
everything we need.
you want to check out the official Hume Lake recap video, the
Phantastical Journey of the Wandering Lights production, or listen to
our speaker's nightly messages, you can access all of these by clicking
highly encourage you to check it out if you haven't already, the videos
are great and the speaker's messages are wonderful as well. Enjoy!