Hello Living Water Families!
The season of Lent is fast approaching and we are excited to kick off this season with a new series at youth group called "Every Day: 8 Weeks of Noticing God More." The purpose of this new series is to help our students and families to notice and connect with God more in our everyday lives and to work towards seeing and communicating with God EVERY DAY, not just on Sundays and Wednesdays. This is something that all of us need to work on, not just our high school students, and I am excited to grow with you all as we dive into this study.
A cool aspect of this study is that it includes "Daily Guides" to continue the study on our own throughout the week and in between Wednesday nights. These "Daily Guides" will be sent home with your students each week and they will be encouraged to use them as a guide for their time with God in the coming week.
Another cool aspect is that it also includes a packet of "Family Ideas." This packet is for the families to have a resource to walk through the series with their student. It includes many ideas for different ways to talk about our every day faith with our families and specifically ideas for how to experience Lent as a family in creative new ways. I have posted this file on our facebook page, which you can get to by clicking HERE. You can also email me at jessica@lwceg.org and I will email you the file as well.
In addition, I will also be printing out a few packets each week and leaving them on the Youth table in the lobby so you can pick one up while you are at church as well.
I hope this is a great resource and is helpful for you as you experience Lent with your families this year!