Monday, August 5, 2013

Summer 2013 Recap

familypic 2I hope you all have had a great summer so far and have had a lot of quality time with your families! Nick and I were blessed to spend some great family time with our new daughter this summer while Sara was running things for the youth group. It was such a blessing to have that time to bond as a new family of three. We missed everyone here as well and are happy to be back in the swing of things as we gear up for the new school year!

We were happy to be able to join our group up at Hume Lake for the last half of the week and had an awesome time hanging out with our students and leaders and hearing about all of the great things that God was teaching them up there. The theme this year was based on Matthew 16:15- "'But what about you?'" He asked. 'Who do you say I am?'" Our students were challenge to spend the week asking that question of themselves, "Who is Jesus to me?" It is a great question and prompted some awesome conversations and life-changing decisions. I am excited to journey with our students through the year as they continue to ask this question and live out what they are learning about Christ in the process. Check out our Hume Lake recap video HERE!

sfWe also had a team of students and leaders head out to San Francisco for a short term mission trip this summer. They spent three days ministering with San Francisco City Impact, an organization that has been working in the tenderloin district for almost 30 years. I was so excited to hear from the students when they returned about the different people they talked with and the ways they were stretched in their faith by this opportunity to serve.

It has been a great summer and I have so enjoyed seeing God work in and through our students and leaders these past few months. I know God has used this time to shape our students in so many ways and we are looking forward to this coming school year and seeing what God has in store for us next!


Living Water Hume Lake Video 2013